Los Angeles Students Pledge to Remain Drug-Free for Life

Volunteers from the Foundation for a Drug-Free World manned a booth at Mothers in Action’s “Health & Family Festival: Back to School” held on September 4th at the Los Angeles Sports Arena. Educating youth in attendance on the harmful effects of drugs, the volunteers helped 500 LA students pledge to remain drug-free for life. Taking that pledge, the students joined the millions more worldwide who are standing up to popular trends encouraging substance abuse among young people.
The annual festival provides inner-city youth aged 5 to 15 with free health screenings, school supplies, hair cuts, as well as The Truth About Drugs information booklets. For Mothers in Action (MIA)—a community group 7,500 strong dedicated to improving conditions for Los Angeles’ inner-city residents—this was their 12th year putting on the festival, which is sponsored by a number of organizations including The Bakewell Family Foundation, the Brotherhood Crusade and the Weingart Center.
Volunteers from the Foundation for a Drug-Free World have consistently partnered with community groups throughout South-Central LA, bringing their message of truth to inner city residents. For this reason—and because of the effectiveness of the The Truth About Drugs message—a stop by the Foundation’s booth is now mandatory for all students attending the Back to School Festival. The drug-free pledges, however, are strictly personal and are taken as a result of learning the straight facts regarding the real and harmful effects of drugs.